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Home pros to call to bring your dream project to life

Looking for the right home pros to make your dream project come true? How to know which is the right professional to go to carry out your project?
To answer that question and hire the right ones according to your needs, we first need to know what each one’s specialty is.
Once we have this information, we will be able to make more accurate decisions and put together the team of professionals that we are looking for.
Shall we start?

home pros, exterior rendering from a luxury villa

The architect’s main function is to create, plan and design buildings for different purposes, including residential, commercial, industrial, or urban landscaping. Their tasks generally also include overseeing their construction.

If you are about to remodel your house in a significant way, design an addition that thoughtfully complements your home’s architectural style, or bring your dream home to life, an architect is the professional that you are looking for.

An architect-designed space can also fetch a higher sale price, so hiring an architect to take the reins on a remodel can be a smart move if you’re thinking of selling in the future.

3d model rendering color two story house with palm trees

A general contractor is one of the most essential home pros that you have to take into account. We refer to a person or company that is in charge of an entire construction project, whether commercial or residential.

They are responsible for providing all materials, labor, and equipment necessary to complete the job and overseeing its completion.

A general contractor is a key team member when undertaking any major home improvement project, remodel, or new build.

If you’re ready to implement an architect’s plans, want to build a simple addition, or are planning a straightforward kitchen or bath update, hiring a contractor is the right way to go.

commercial 3d rendering for constructors

Tell us about your project ideas or just say hello. We are here to bring your projects to life.


The role played by Builders in almost all construction projects is of vital importance. They are in charge of developing the building and are responsible for the execution in terms of assembly, and control, in addition to being the ones who know the materials, equipment, and technology necessary to carry out the construction projects.

Some builders work on custom homes with individual clients in collaboration with the homeowner’s architect, while others are also developers, purchasing land and creating communities of customizable homes.

Interior Designer

Interior Designers conceptualize and create aesthetic and functional designs for interior spaces.

These professionals are experts in Interior Architecture, construction materials, and building codes.

3d interior rendering, living room white furniture set and black and white area rug
3D Rendering company

Last but not least, our favorite home pros ever: 3D Rendering Companies. If you are a real estate agency, a construction company, or an interior design consultant, you certainly know that hyperrealistic renderings are a very useful tool when it comes to selling projects in the shortest possible time.

If there is one thing we are sure of is that 3D visualizations are of great help to our clients, making it easier for them to choose building materials, color schemes, furniture, decoration items, and so on.

Working with a professional 3D Rendering Studio like AVS 3D MEDIAhas many benefits and can help your business grow and increase your sales considerably.

Remember that you can check out our projects on our Houzz profile. You can also follow us on Instagram to keep up with all our blog posts and other projects as well.

Don’t hesitate, contact us and get a free quote!
